How does the investment process work?

To make an investment on our website, you will need to create an account and complete the necessary documentation. You can then choose the investment amount and select a payment method (such as cryptocurrency). Once your payment has been processed, you will receive a monthly return based on the investment amount and the annual percentage yield (APY). You will also receive a non-fungible token (NFT) as a record of your investment.

Can I stake my NFT?

Yes, you can stake your NFT to earn additional returns. Staking your NFT means that you are holding onto it and not selling it, in exchange for a share of the profits. The staking rewards will be paid out in the same cryptocurrency that you used to make the original investment.

Can I withdraw my investment?

Yes, you can withdraw your investment by burning the NFT that you received as a record of your investment. This will release the funds that were tied up in the NFT back to you. Please note that there may be fees associated with withdrawing your investment.

Can I claim unclaimed rewards after transferring my NFTs to another account?

Transferring your NFT to another account results in forfeiting any unclaimed rewards, the new owner of the NFT will receive all future rewards associated with the NFT. Therefore, it is important to claim any outstanding rewards before transferring the NFT to another account.

Can I transfer my NFTs when they are staked?

You cannot make any transactions while the NFT is in a staked state.

Is my personal information safe?

We take the protection of your personal information seriously. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on how we collect, use, and share personal information.

How can I contact customer support?

If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact our customer support team at [email protected].